What is Zinc Sulfide ZnS Used For?
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Brazil, the world's largest sugar producer, has recently switched to ethanol ZnS powder price is predicted to go higher in the future.
What is Zinc Sulfide ZnS Powder?
Zinc sulfide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula ZnS. Zinc sulfide is a white to pale or light-yellow powder. When exposed to light it becomes darker. Stable in dry air, it gradually oxidizes to zinc sulfate in wet air or when it contains moisture. Soluble in dilute inorganic acid, soluble in alkali, insoluble in water.
Zinc Sulfide ZnS Structure
ZnS exist in two main crystal types, and this duality is usually a prominent example of the polycrystalline type. In each form, the coordination geometry of Zn and S is tetrahedral. The more stable cubic form is also called sphalerite. The hexagonal form is known as the mineral wurtzite, although it can also be produced synthetically. The transition from sphalerite to wurtzite occurs at about 1020°C. The tetragonal form is also known as a very rare mineral, called lithium manganese ore, with the formula (Zn, Hg) S.
What is Zinc Sulfide ZnS Used For?
Zinc sulfide is mainly used in paint and plastics in chemical production. Because of its white opacity and insoluble in water, organic solvents, weak acid, weak base and become an important pigment in paint. Zinc sulfide is now the second most important pigment in the United States after titanium dioxide but continues to play an important role in European industry.
As a bulk material, the melting point of zinc sulfide is 1650℃, the Mohs hardness of 98% commercial-grade zinc sulfide is 3.0, and the refractive index is 2.37. Because of its high refractive coefficient and wear resistance, zinc sulfide pigment in equipment, wax paper, and metal plate coated with a very thin layer has relatively high hiding power.
Zinc sulfide is easy to disperse and not easy to agglomerate. It is neutral white and has good optical properties. It is often used as a component of thermosetting plastics, thermoplastic plastics, reinforced fiberglass, flame retardant, artificial rubber, and dispersant.
Luminescent material
Zinc sulfide, added with a few PPM of suitable activator, exhibits strong phosphorescence (described by Nikola Tesla in 1893) and is currently used in many applications, from cathode ray tubes to X-ray screens to products that glow in the dark. When silver is used as an activator, the resulting color is bright blue, with a maximum size of 450 nanometers. The use of manganese produces an orange-red color of about 590 nanometers. Copper glows for a long time, and it has a familiar green glow. Copper-doped zinc sulfide (" ZnS plus Cu ") is also used in electroluminescent panels. It also exhibits phosphorescence due to impurities exposed to blue or ultraviolet light.
Optical materials
Zinc sulfide is also used as an infrared optical material, transmitting from visible wavelengths to just over 12 microns. It can be used flat as an optical window or molded as a lens. It is made by synthesizing hydrogen sulfide gas and zinc vapor on a microchip and is sold in FLIR grade (forward-looking infrared), where zinc sulfide is in a milky yellow, opaque form. This material can be converted to a transparent form called Cleartran (trademark) under hot isostatic pressure (HIPed). The early commercial form was marketed as IRTRAN-2 but this name is now obsolete.
Zinc sulfide is a common pigment sometimes called Sachtolith. Zinc sulfide forms lithopone when combined with barium sulfate.
Fine ZnS powder is a highly efficient photocatalyst that produces hydrogen gas from water under the light. Sulfur vacancies are introduced in the synthesis of zinc sulfide. This gradually turns the white-yellow ZnS into a brown powder and improves the photocatalytic activity by enhancing light absorption.
Semiconductor characteristic
Both sphalerite and wurtzite are inherently wide band-gap semiconductors. These are typical II-VI semiconductors that use structures related to many other semiconductors, such as gallium arsenide. The band gap of the cubic form of ZnS is about 3.54 EV at 300 Kelvin, but the band gap of the hexagonal form is about 3.91 EV. ZnS can be doped as n-type or P-type semiconductors.
Zinc Sulfide ZnS Powder Price
The price is influenced by many factors including the supply and demand in the market, industry trends, economic activity, market sentiment, and unexpected events.
If you are looking for the latest zinc sulfide powder price, you can send us your inquiry for a quote. ([email protected])
Zinc Sulfide ZnS Powder Supplier
Luoyang Tongrun Nano Technology Co. Ltd. (TRUNNANO) is a trusted global chemical material supplier & manufacturer with over 12-year-experience in providing super high-quality chemicals and nanomaterials including silicon powder, nitride powder, graphite powder, zinc sulfide, calcium nitride, 3D printing powder, etc.
If you are looking for high-quality ZnS powder, please feel free to contact us and send an inquiry. ([email protected])
The Free Trade Agreement between India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has come into force on.
The UAE is the gateway to the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa, said Subramaniam, a senior official at India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The agreement will help boost bilateral trade in goods from $60 billion a year now to $100 billion a year within five years.
On 18 February 2022, India and the United Arab Emirates signed the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. With the entry into force of the agreement, 90 percent of Indian goods and 65 percent of UAE goods will enjoy tariff-free market access.
Apart from its FTA with the UAE, India is also pursuing FTAs with Australia, the UK, Canada, Israel, the European Union, and the Gulf Cooperation Council.
Influenced by international situations, the supply and prices of many ZnS powder are still very uncertain.
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